All I can remember about last night is having ten beers in some girly bar. Now, in my present haze, I seem to have lost my wallet, phone, shoes, and false teeth. So I have just gone back to the bar. The first thing I saw was my false teeth hanging on a string around a girl' neck, nestling between some huge round titties, with the string wrapped around a bullet shaped nipple. She was wearing them like a trophy of sharks teeth. As soon as she spotted me, she was on to me, hitting, slapping and biting. When she calmed down, she explained that the night before, I had made a sex video with her, promised her the earth, then wandered off in a drunken stupor, leaving my false teeth, shoes, wallet, the lot. She handed me my wallet, devoid of money and bank cards, just how I remember. The teeth don't seem to fit right, not really sure they are mine. Ah well, watch the video, it is the only way I know what went on.